Evaluation of Efficacy of Kunjal Kriya (Gajakarani) In the Management of Obesity. Array Section Original Research Articles
Ayurveda is the traditional system of medicine in India and one of the prime modalities of health care. In modern sedentary society, obesity (Sthaulya) is the most hazardous factor which is the main underlying cause of life-threatening disease like Diabetes Mellitus, Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular disease etc. As per the National Family Health Survey (NFHS), the percentage of ever-married women aged 15-49 years who are overweight or obese increased from 11% in NFHS-3. Overweight and obesity are more than three times higher in urban areas. This may be a lesser physical activity in urban areas. Ayurveda and Yoga are the collections of principles of life that took birth with the world itself and is not liable to changes at any time and anywhere. Both Shastras have mentioned purificatory processes to maintain a healthy life. The purification through Shatkarma (also known as Shatkriya like Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Tratak, Nauliki, and Kapalbhati) is mentioned first in Hath Yoga Pradipika and Kunjal Kriya is one of them. Kunjal is a type of Antardhauti, also known by the name “Gajakaraniâ€. Kunjal Kriya alleviates the Kapha Dosha and increased Medo Dhatu in obese individuals and controls the Sthaulya.
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