Role of Panchamooladya Choorna in Grahani Roga (irritable bowel syndrome)-pilot study Array Section Original Research Articles
Lifestyle disorders like unhealthy dietary habits, physical habits, disturbed sleep and rest patterns are the principal factors that cause many digestion related disease. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is also one such disease which occurs due to the ingestion of unwholesome diet causing disturbances in Agni. According to Ayurvedic science, this disease can be considered as a Grahani roga. So we may consider IBS as Grahani roga. Various herbal medications and panchakarma (biopurification) procedures are described in the treatment of Grahani roga though there is no reliable medical treatment for IBS in modern medicine; various efforts have been made to overcome this problem by the virtue of Ayurvedic therapy. The present study was done to assess the efficacy of Panchmooladya choorna with Takra(buttermilk) as anupan in Group A(10Patients) and Group B(10Patients)with luke warm water as anupan in management of Grahani roga in total of 20patients.The results of therapy were assessed by various parameters after 1month with follow up of 15days.The result concluded that Panchmooladya choorna with Takra as anupan reduced the symptoms of Grahani rog as compared to Group B.