A REVIEW OF ABHIJITA TAILA Array Section Review of Article
Taila kalpanas are the unique formulations of Ayurveda treatment which are prepared by using oil as base. Tailas are useful for both Bahya and Abhyantar chikitsa. Ayurvedic pharmaceutics offer great range of medicaments. They actually aim at effective potantisation of medicaments with simple methods. ‘Abhijita taila1’ a unique formulation mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali in Netraroga adhikara which is having minimum ingredients and mentioned as Timiram hanyan.
How to Cite
Balaji Kattewar. (2020). A REVIEW OF ABHIJITA TAILA: Array. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 4(06). https://doi.org/10.52482/ayurline.v4i06.456