Effect of Snuhyadya Taila external application as Shiroabhyanga in the management of Khalitya with special reference to alopecia–a single case study.
introduction – Ayurveda not only explain systemic disorder but also local minor disease like khalitya (hairfall) which affecting approximetly 50% of population. Khalitya is under heading of kshudraroga as per acharya sushruta and shiroroga as per acharya vagbhata. Khalitya is primarily pitta dominant tridoshajanya vyadhi i.e. vata, pitta, kapha with raktadosha which develop symptoms like keshchyuti (hairfall) and associated symptoms like darunaka, kandu, kesharukshatva, keshatanutva, shirodaha. In ayurveda shiroabhyanga is a effectively proven therapy not only for khalitya but also many other shiroroga. Aim and objectives – to evaluate the efficacy of snuhyadya taila in the management of khalitya. Material and methods- a 48 years female patient came to opd of kayachikitsa department of laxmanrao kalaspurkar ayurveda rugnalaya yavtamal with complaints of hairfall 100 – 150 hairs per day. Hairpull test positive 4-6 hair at a time. Hairloss at parietal region, so she was treated with snuhyadya taila locally daily for one month. Result – result was assessed by on the basis of sign and symptoms, keshchyuti decreases by 100 %. Conclusion – the study revealed that  snhuhyadya taila locally is effective in khalitya
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