The The Role of Ayurvedic Formulation in the Management of Ardhavbhedaka Migraine. Array Section Case Report
➢ In Ayurveda Migraine is described as Ardhavbhedaka Which is a major Health issue among people of age group 30-50 years. According to WHO, With an estimated global prevalence of
14.7 %. Female and Male ratio 3:1.
➢ Migraine is a common disabling condition mostly in Adult Population and shows female Predominance,unilateral throbing type moderate to severe intensity headache is common manifestation of the Migraine though it may present with varied presentation. ➢ According to Ayurvedic sanhita, all three dosha are involved in the manifestation of Ardhavbhedaka with Predominance of vata or Vata- kapha dosha. Management of these dosha can be done by Shodhan karma i.e Nasya Karma and samshaman karma.
➢ Recently these therapies have been gaining Popularity in the holistic treatment of Ardhavbhedaka (Maigraine).
➢ In this study, a 40-year Female Patient was selected based on the classical symptoms of Ardhavbhedaka. She was administered for Ayurvedic treatment i.e Shodhan Chikitsa and shaman Chikitsa (Pallative procedures) with selected Medications, While under going Nasya Karma With Panchendriya Vardhan Tail. While during the Treatment course, considerable improvement was observed in the clinical symptoms of Ardhavbhedaka/ Migraine.
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