An importance of Diet and Lifestyle in Prakriti
In today’s era lots of people suffering from different lifestyle disorder, mainly Diabetes mellites, thyroid disorder, Hypertension, PCOD any many more. These disorders can be controlled by Diet and Lifestyle according to Prakriti . for that purpose, details description and explanation should understand. By achieving we will get half way to treat the disease. Lifestyle diseases characterize those diseases whose occurrence is primarily based on the daily habits of people and are a result of an inappropriate relationship of people with their environment. In the present study, Diabetes and Hypertension are the lifestyle diseases considered. Globally, T2DM is at present one of the most common diseases and its levels are progressively on the rise . Consumption of high dietary salt, fat and sedentary lifestyle is among the significant risk factors for hypertension. Hypertension can be effectively managed through Dietary Approaches to Stop HTN and reducing salt intake.

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