A randomized open controlled clinical study of therapeutic effect of snuhyadya tail externally as shiroabhyanga with comparison to bhrungaraj tail externally as shiroabhyanga in khalitya patients having an age group 15-60 years. Array Section Original Research Articles
Introduction - Healthy, beautiful, long and attractive hairs add charm of personality. According to Acharya charak, Ashtanga Hridayakar, Sharangdhar khalitya is under shirorogas. As per Acharya Sushruta, Ashtang Sangraha, Yoga Ratnakara and Madhavnidana Khalitya is under heading of kshudraroga. According to Acharya Sushruta Khalitya occurs when vata dosha get vitiated along with pitta dosha it enters the romkupam or hair follicle and which result in hair fall. Snuhydya tail is taken from Bhaishyajya ratnavali kshudrarogadhikar.
Aim and objective- To study the therapeutic effect of external use of snuhyadya tail as shiroabhyanga with compare to external application of bhrungaraj tail as shiroabhyanga in the management of khalitya having an age group 15-60 years.
Material and method –
Method- 60 clinically dignosed patient of khalitya selected from opd / ipd unit of pg department of kayachikitsa, L.K. Ayurvedic hospital, yavatmal
Material – shnuhyadya taila and bhrungaraj taila
Result and conclusion- Snuhyadya taila and bhrungraja tail both are effective in the management of khalitya to reduce the sign, symptoms i.e. khalitya. On the basis of overall percent relief, snuhyadya tail external application as shiroabhyanga has found more effective than that of bhrungraja tail external application as shiroabhyanga in the management of khalitya.
Keywords- khalitya, alopecia, snuhyadya taila, kshudraroga, keshchyutti, bhrungraj tail, shirorogas.

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