A wholesome diet and care for post covid Prameha Rogi (diabetic patient). Array Section Review of Article
World community is facing an unprecedented pandemic of novel corona virus diseases ( COVID -19 ) caused by several acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 ( SARA-COV-2) infection attacking mainly on the immune system of the body. It is a potentially fatal disease that is of public health and economy concern globally.1 In Ayurveda, Acharaya Charaka explained the concept of an pandemic condition in janapadodhwansa adhayay and combating of these disease is to be done by panchakarma (five procedure of purification), rasayana chikitsa (immune modulators therapy) and sadvritta (good conduct).2 Ayurveda strongly emphasize on preventive and promotive aspect of health rather than curative. Centuries ago, Ayurveda laid the concepts of dinacharya (daily regimen for healthy living), ritucharaya (seasonal regimen of healthy living), sadvritta ( moral conduct) and achar rasayana (social conducts).3 The outbreak of COVID -19 all over the world has posed several new challenges to prameha rogi ( diabetic patient). Care and has also provided an opportunity for new lessons to be learnt in what seems to be transforming the way we treat and care prameha rogi (diabetic patient).