A Ayurvedic and pharmacological profile of Guduchi [Tinospora cordifolia Willd.] Array Section Review of Article
Drugs have a variety of medicinal uses. In ancient times, when Vaidyas prepared some medicines, they all were very conscious about the drug qualities. Guduchi [Tinospora cordifolia] has been used in the native system of medicine since the Vedic period. It is considered the superlative drug in terms of availability, economy, ease of administration, etc. This plant is used in Ayurveda as single drug in the various form of Swarasa, Kalka, Kwatha, Hima, Churna and also important constituent in many other formulations which are used for treating various disorders. The botanical name of Guduchi is Tinospora cordifolia of the family Menispermaceae. Guduchi is used as Jwarahara, Daahaprashamana, Krimigna, Pitta-Vatahara, Rasayana etc. Guduchi is a very important medicinal plant and widely distributed in all over India. It is described as “the herb that protects the body from diseases‟. “Amrita‟ means “divine-nectar‟ which referred as life restoring. Guduchi growing up on Neem (Azadirecta indica) trees are said to be the best. The present study aims to collect nearly all available information about Ayurvedic aspect Phyto-chemical constituents, medicinal uses as well as pharmacological properties.