Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD): an Ayurvedic approach Array Section Review of Article
Polycystic ovarian disease, PCOD is the most common clinical condition, we all encounter in our practise. Few years back we used to see it in infertile women but now it presents itself as early as in adolescents as well. Now-a-days numbers of cases about menstrual complaints in female are rising in a very vast manner. So many factors playan important role in such kind of problem including food, lifestyle, stress etc. this leads to physical as well as emotional disturbances of the patient. Also it can lead to infertility or repeated abortions if not attended or treated at proper time.
PCOD is one of such disorder which commonly affects second or third decade of life in females. It is important to know thoroughly about this condition as modern science has no root cause treatment to treat it. Also the treatment of modern science implicated leads to serious side effects and dependency of the medicines. PCOD is diagnosed in Ayurveda according to its presentation in so many ways depending upon its hetu, lakshana, dosha-dushya, samprapti.

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